How to have your say

Jersey’s general election will take place on 22 June 2022.

The system is different this year than previously. I am standing for Deputy in District 3 - which is made up of St John, St Lawrence, and Trinity.  Voting has been made easier for you with three ways to vote:

  • By postal vote – Apply for a postal vote by noon 1 June. Ballot papers will be sent to you. The Judicial Greffe needs to receive the papers by noon 22 June.

  • In person at pre-poll - 13-17 June at St Paul’s Centre, New Street. Anyone can use this polling station but you need to be registered on the main electoral register.

  • At your local polling station on 22 June (Located at the St John Parish Hall, St Lawrence Parish Hall and Trinity Youth club). Please check which polling station you are registered to as you can only go to your local one.

 Please remember to take photographic ID (passport or driving license). More info:

 Hustings will be held at the 3 Parish Halls. Please look out for announcements for dates and times.

 ‘With your vote, I am confident I can bring my clear-headed, researched-based political and diplomatic experience to bear in the States chamber. I am here to listen, and value hearing from Islanders. With your input, I hope to build a meaningful platform that speaks to the issues and values of St John, St Lawrence and Trinity. Thank you for your support.” Hilary Jeune.

In the meantime Hilary wants to hear from you - please fill out her short survey: