Videos, Blog, Drop-In Sessions, Events

Please find below selection of my videos, my blog, my drop-in sessions 3 times a week and events that I will be attending.

See all recordings of hustings: Hustings: Watch back |

See recording of Question time: Watch back: 'Candidate Question Time' events |

BBC Radio Election Call: Election Call - St John, St Lawrence and Trinity (10/06/2022) - BBC Sounds

Bailiwick Express Podcast: Bailiwick Podcasts -

Jersey Evening Post Candidate Supplement

Explaining to ITV at the IOD Leaders event why I am supportive of the new CEO of Jersey, Suzanne Wylie.

Diversity and Inclusion Networks’ 'best ever career advice' is an insightful gem from Hilary Jeune, sustainability consultant and co-founder of The Diversity Directory - and it certainly explains her infectious passion for her work!

#purpose #values #lovingwhatyoudo #careeradvicegems #speakerscorner



What Matters to you?

I launched a survey a month ago to help me listen and understand what matters to Parishioners. This has helped me to focus my research to build my manifesto. So far, I have had 90 respondents, which is a fantastic response. THANK YOU for taking the time to answer. The survey is still open and I will update this blog as I get more feedback. It reflects very much in the discussions I have had at my regular drop-in sessions, in talks with community groups from the three parishes and while out canvassing and meeting you.

And you said……

  • Immediate priorities: Population, Housing, and Environment.

  • Future priorities: Health, Housing and the Environment.

  • Next generation priorities: Environment

Below is a selection of the more detailed explanations you gave as to why these priorities were your choice:

  • We are in a climate emergency. We could do better on looking after our environment.

  • Wasted taxpayers’ money on indecisions around healthcare and the hospital. Morale of health staff extremely low. Patients struggeling to get access to time sensitive healthcare. Outsourcing health care is unsustainable.

  • Investment needed in infrastructure for alternative transport options.

  • Many struggling to pay bills even with those that feel they are in relatively well-paid jobs, on two incomes, but with no safety nets.

  • Listen and act on the education reviews that highlights the need to change the system.

  • Providing housing for the next generation, concerns of the rising use of food banks and homelessness resulting from rising housing costs.  

  • Concerns of the increasing mental health crisis in young people.

  • Population policy needs to be sorted.

  • Better management of the governments finances to fund whats really needed for the people of Jersey.

  • Jersey for the people, listening to the people, prioritising the people.

  • Need positive, collaborative decision making, with effective joined up governance that we can trust.  

  • What future for our children?

You were asked to describe what works in Jersey and what we can celebrate and be proud of. This is a selection of your answers:

  1. Sense of community especially from the voluntary/ charity sector.

  2. Front line public services.

  3. Clean and safe with beautiful beaches and green lanes.

  4. Sports facilities, the Library and Jersey archives.  

  5. Jersey Heritage, the Zoo.

  6. Easy access on and off island.  

  7. Fibre internet.  

  8. Reasonable taxes.

I want to thank all those that took the time to fill in the survey and hope that my manifesto speaks to seeing a vision for the priorities for you, the parishes and for the island.



Come and tell me about matters that are important to you, to St John, St Lawrence and Trinity and the Island. I will be holding drop-in sessions at these times and what to hear about your concerns:

  • St John’s Village Café - Every Monday / 12pm - 1pm

  • Acorn Café, Trinity - Every Thursday / 12pm -1pm

  • Old Station Café, Millbrook - Every Saturday / 11am - 12pm