My Vision

I  am passionate about equality, inclusivity and the environment.  I want to work to make Jersey fairer and more sustainable. I believe there is a fantastic opportunity for Jersey to achieve this, through a coherent and considered road-map. If elected, I can use my international experiences to work collaboratively, proactively and effectively with other local politicians. Bringing best practice examples from across the world and adapting it to what works for Jersey. 

I believe that policies must be values-led, evidence-based and focused on our future, for our young generation. If elected, I will consistently consider 3 questions to influence a positive outcome:

  1. Is it inclusive? - Can this improve the economic, physical or mental well-being of my constituents, especially those who need it most?

  2. Is it sustainable - How will this reduce our impact on the environment?

  3. Will it have a positive impact? - Is this initiative clearly evidenced with supporting data?


 About Me

I am a Jersey-born business owner and committed community volunteer, with a successful background in advocacy and campaigning, standing for Deputy of the Parishes of St John, St Lawrence, and Trinity (District 3), as an Independent, in this June’s election.

I want to know what is important to you


My Nominators

Proposer: Kevin Keen

Seconders: David Beaugeard, Mike Stentiford MBE, Jill Keogh, Tina Palmer, Richard Dupré, Catherine Kirby, Nigel Perrée, Alice Honey, Eva Vogt


“It gives me pleasure to have signed Hilary Jeune’s nomination paper. She came to take over as Editor of the Parish Magazine when we had difficulty finding someone to do it. Hilary is a busy person but is approachable and is always prepared to help others when asked to do so.

Hilary is someone who is able to problem solve and get things done.”

— Richard Dupré


“ADAPTING policies of individual governments and international businesses during a career spanning two decades demands a remarkable degree of commitment and a clear understanding of a multitude of complex issues.

Such abilities, aligned with a busy schedule of involvement in locally based social, environmental and community prioritised commitments, clearly ensures that Hilary Jeune has much to offer the Island by way of diverse experience and ability” 

— Michael J Stentiford MBE


“Hilary grew up in Jersey but moved away gaining knowledge and experience through education, work and cultural exploration. She is a perfect example of why we should be working to invest and welcome young people to live, work and return to Jersey to contribute to the island they love”

- Nigel Perrée


“Hilary strikes you as someone intensely passionate about supporting and creating a better island community for the benefit of all. Her international policy development background makes her acutely aware of global challenges and enables her to view the island within its global context whilst having her boots also firmly rooted in local community and environmental initiatives on the island. I am very pleased to support and nominate Hilary for Deputy.”

- Eva Vogt

“I met Hilary soon after she returned to the Island with her family in 2018 and was very impressed by all she has achieved. Hilary has experience of understanding complex issues and is an excellent listener. I was delighted to learn she was standing in June’s election as she is well qualified to help our Island move forward.”

— Catherine Kirby


“I am delighted to nominate Hilary for Deputy. She brings a respect for tradition and community but with a modern outlook and expertise on the crucial importance of diversity and sustainability.”

— Kevin Keen


“I am supporting Hilary as we need politicians who have passion and drive to make the changes we need to have a vibrant and economically viable island. In addition, Hilary understands that to achieve this goal, she will need to work collaboratively with colleagues, something I believe is critical to success.”

— Tina Palmer


“When Hilary came to my house on the first occasion to introduce herself and to ask me to sign her nomination paper, I was awestruck by the amount of work which she had undertaken in a relatively short time.  I was overjoyed that here was someone who, if she were elected, would take the job seriously, listen to the people who would want to enlist her help, not spend our money "like it grew on trees in the Royal Square", and be an enthusiastic member of the States' Assembly, serving the parishes which she would represent as well as the people of Jersey.”

- Jill Keogh


“I’m very happy to be supporting Hilary in her campaign for Deputy in District 3. She has a deep understanding and vast professional experience of financial, business and social issues that affect our island and globally. She works incredibly hard. She listens. She is solution minded. I know that she will do her best for me, my family, my local community in Bel Royal, my parish and the island, and she will do it with honesty and transparency.”

- Alice Honey